Sunday, June 08, 2014

8 th Medieval Festival of Rhodes, 26 - 29/06/14

The 8th Medieval Rose Festival will take place from 26 to 29 June 2014 at the Medieval Town of Rhodes (one of UNESCO’s World Heritage monuments). The events and re-enactments that the Medieval Rose organizes re-animate the Byzantine and Medieval history of the island.
It all started in July 2004, as an idea. A dream of the medieval town of Rhodes turning back in time, to the epoch when the knights of St. John occupied the island. A time supposedly covered with stories of romance and great legends as well as glorious battles and heroic achievements. In 2005 was founded the Medieval Rose , a non-governmental and not-for-profit cultural organisation , in order to establish, organise and run every year the Medieval Festival οf Rhodes during which the history, the traditions and legends of Medieval Rhodes are recreated through happenings, workshops and games. 
There is a variety of relevant to the epoch events taking place during the  festival, such as: stage theater and street theater,  puppet theater, story telling, team games (e.g. the popular Rhodes' Dragon's Quest), chess games, archery, horseback riding, animation and jugglers, re-enactments, local customs, sword fighting, traditional bazaars, pageants, mystery tours, workshops on medieval arts & crafts, medieval pothouses etc. Even animals (e.g. horses, chickens, sheep etc) can be found around the streets where the events take place as it could be happening in any medieval town.
The Medieval Festival seems like an interactive film production, where spectators become part of it, walk through it and experience the journey in time ...
Together with the recreative events, there are several others related to the festival, like: photo exhibitions, conventions, themed guided tours, screenings, book presentations, school activities etc
You can support the Medieval Festival of Rhodes by  sharing the promo video link  or the campaign link

A journey through the Middle Ages

A wandering through the mysterious streets of the Medieval Town, at a time when the Alchemists were seeking the Mandrake and the Fairies were dancing around the fountains, enchanting passers-by.

At times, when romantic love was growing in the shadow of a dreadful war and endless battles.

And somewhere there, hidden in the swamp, a terrible Dragon, mangling children and adults.

At the Medieval Markets the best sugar of the world, as well as spices, perfumes, textiles, pottery, soap and music, lots of music...

...And there! The Order of the Knights crosses through the crowded public squares, full of scholars, magicians, artisans, merchants and craftsmen from all over the world!

The Walls, an embrace of stone around a multi-national feast!

Tradition, History & Myth,
The Legend of Rhodes
Ιn a Festival!

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