Ancient Corinth is lying at the foot of Acrocorinth and was one of the oldest and most important cities of the Peloponnes. It is situated near the Isthmus which connected mainland Greece with Peloponnes. The city was inhabitated since the Neolithic Age (5.000 BC) Its golden Age however was the 7th - 6th cent. BC under the tyrant Periander who was one of the 7 sages. Today one can visit the Agora, which was the market during the Roman period, surrounded by the porticoes where were the shops. The Propylaea was the gate way to the Agora and from there started the famous Lechaion road paved with marble and decorated with shops and statues on both sides. This was the principal route from Corinth to the port of Lechaion on the Corinthian Golf.Near the Propylaea is the famous Pirene Spring. There are six basins for dipping water communicating with a large underground reservoir. In about the center of the Agora is the "Bema". a monumental platform . From there the Apostel Paul appeared to defend himself and the Christian religion before the Roman Governor Gallio. On the hill, above the Roman Agora, is standing the Temple of Apollo , one of the most ancient temples of Greece. Today only seven large monolithic columns remain. The temple was built in 570 B.C in doric style with 6 columns on the narrow and 15 on the long sides.Near the temple is the entrance to the Museum which contains the finds from the excavations.Right beside the entrance to the archaeological site one can visit the Odeion and the Theatre.
The Pirene Spring
Telephone : 0030 27410 31207
Tickets Full: €6, Reduced: €3
Opening hours: Winter:From the 1st of November until the 31st of March 8:00-15:00
Summer: From the 1st of April until the 31st of October:08:00-15:00
written by Sophia Kokkinou, guide/archaeologist/ writer
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